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Why Does Your Teenager Want to Be Alone?

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Adolescence is truly an exciting time wherein we begin to learn more about ourselves and everything around us. Whether your teen studies at the best international in Manila or otherwise, this period of self-discovery and understanding is also one of the most challenging phases in her young life, especially if she has the tendency to isolate herself.

As a parent, it is only natural to feel concern when your teenager avoids and refuses to interact with the people around her. Here are some reasons that may answer why your teenager wants to be alone.


Self-reflection and discovering her identity

While most parents see their teenager being alone as something alarming, there are instances when it can be beneficial to her growth. Giving your teenager a moment in solitude allows her to reflect and gain a deeper understanding of herself. This can also help her in the process of developing her own identity. Shaping one’s identity is crucial during your child’s teenage years and giving her the space to explore it on her own will guide her towards emotional maturity as she grows up.


Going through challenges

Another reason why your child might want to be alone is that she may be going through a rough patch in school with her friends and academics. This can mean that she is frustrated and might feel as though nobody wants to lend a helping hand. This can lead her to avoid contact with others and keep to her own. As a parent, it is important to try and foster open and empathic communication at home. Once your teen opens up and expresses herself to you, give her the reassurance that these difficulties can be overcome and are an integral part of growing up.


Time to rest and recharge

The teenage years are some of the most active periods in your child’s life, as she tries to explore different activities and interests in order to find what she wants to pursue and excel in. This can bring about very busy days wherein your teen spends all her energy at school and with friends, causing her to become very exhausted by the end of the day.

As the day ends, your teen could have a strong need for alone time to relax and unwind for her to recharge and have more energy for the next day.


Learning to become independent

Solitude not only helps teenagers discover and shape their identity, but it can also give them the chance to develop autonomy and learn to become independent. This can provide opportunities for them to figure out how to accomplish tasks and solve problems on their own with minimal supervision. Independence is an important skill to have when they become young adults, and practicing it at an early age will only bring maturity and healthy growth.


Managing emotions

A part of understanding oneself is learning how to manage emotions and practice self-control through introspection. Giving your teenager time alone to fully internalize her feelings allows her to regulate them and acquire a renewed sense of self, leading to healthier interactions with friends and family.


Key Takeaway

At times, teens may feel inclined to just be by themselves. However, this does not mean that being alone should be taken as something immediately harmful, as these can be the instances when your teenager begins to learn more about herself and understand the people and environment around her.

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