What Matters Most.

Happy Students.
Lifelong Achievers.

The kids love their teachers because they are very nice, friendly, and more caring.

Mrs. Lea Ohashi

Mother of Rian, Rina, and Anri

Reedley International School is good and proactive. Everything seems to be balanced.

Mr. Joana Hermoso

Mother of Patrick and Derrick Corsame

Reedley made my daughter realize that excellence in only one subject is something to be proud of and that her weakness in another is nothing to be ashamed of.

Dr. Daniel Pascual


Reedley helped my son Coby adapt and adjust easily to the education system here in the Philippines after years of studying in a foreign country!

Mrs. Noreen Gener


My child has developed self-confidence, being able to show his talents in dancing. Most of all, he is not shy anymore performing in front of big audiences. Thank you Reedley!

Mr. Joana Hermoso

Mother of Patrick and Derrick Corsame

My life has changed since I came to Reedley! I absolutely love Reedley!

Samira Hamoud


My daughters like it more here in Reedley because of the small class size. They are super happy!

Ms. Joan Saludez

Mother of Shereena and Sabrina

Thank you for your immeasurable accommodation, kindness, and genuine concern for your students.

Ms. Gladys Dean

Mother of Zhia and Zoey

Reedley is also our family. Everyone in Reedley is friendly, most especially the teachers, and even the parents.

Mr. Randolph Yap

Father of Andrae, Joshua, and Justin

Our family deeply appreciates your help more than we can express in words.

Mrs. Girlie Go

Mother of Megan and Erin

Of all the 3 years I’ve been in Reedley, I have been the happiest child on Earth! I love Reedley! Thank you for creating [the school]! Thank you for all the wonderful 3 years of my life!

Daniela Marquez


The first week of school was fantastic for my 2 kids. All expectations were met.

Mrs. Olivia Fallon

Mother of Adam and Victoria

Reedley is a good fit for my daughter. The environment is very nurturing and encouraging. I am very happy and satisfied.

Mr. Candy Oreña

Mother of Samantha

People in Reedley are friendly, kind and helpful. They listen to your concerns and act upon them. My daughter has made lifelong friendships and so have I. Reedley International School is the only school in the Philippines for us.

Mrs. Ceil Valentine


I like getting updates from Reedley teachers and I appreciate it. I feel secured.

Mrs. Marcos

Mother of Ramona

Reedley has helped my child become more confident in himself. Aaron enjoys learning and looks forward to attending school everyday. It is nice to know that the transition to a new school and a new environment was made smooth by Reedley.

Mrs. Chava Wang


I enrolled my children here in Reedley because it has a different environment: more fun and socializing but also serious in academics.

Mr. James Ang

Father of Adrian and Timothy

Daniel has developed the love of going to school. He was spared from the unpleasantness of unhealthy competition, bullying, and tormenting teachers. May God bless this school more and more so it can touch more lives!

Mrs. Grace Diaz


We are happy with the teachers and the curriculum offered. We also like the Singaporean books. We like how Reedley is focused with Math and Language.

Mr. and Mrs. Sengar

Parents of Gyanu and Hanut

My daughter is now comfortable reading, writing, and speaking English. Learning Science and Math in the English language is making her a competent student.

Mrs. Koo Ye Bin


I like Reedley’s English subject. It makes students become critical thinkers.

Mrs. Pamela Lim

Mother of Brendan and Beatrice

What I like best in Reedley is its soft approach, where the focus is more on the social side. Reedley’s additional asset is the life skills. It molds the students to be good people and have a good character.

Mr. Heinz Landau

Father of Jomar Arsen

I chose Reedley because there is balance between family and school. Life skills caught my attention also and I love it. My kids are really happy and according to them, the teachers are nice and Reedley really teaches you.

Mr. Peter Fabie III

Father of Paige and Try

I did notice certain changes that made me appreciate his school and class environment: he is more responsible now and he takes his tasks seriously. Even as he retains his childlike personality, he has become mature especially in the challenges his teachers throw at him, whether academics or extra-curricular.

Mrs. Iris Ostrea

Mother of Thomas Gabriel

I've been in this school for five years already and actually one of the questions I hear from new students over the years has been "why is everybody so… NICE?" and that always makes me laugh. It could be because bullying is practically nonexistent here, as far as I'm aware, with something called an anti-bullying program, and a campaign every year (bullying is a serious problem for kids nowadays, but not one you have to worry about for your children at least.). It could be all the Life Skills classes, or the Expected Learning Results, or perhaps just the way we're treated and brought up to treat others. I think this school has brought out the best in me.

Gab Tañada


See, Reedley is a very personal experience. Opportunities were often tailored for you. My classmate and good friend Enzo had always been a very talented writer, and he would write stories and plays for us to do in class. Sometimes I would compete with him since, like I said, I was such a nerd, but he would always beat me anyway. Still, I appreciated and loved the healthy competition. I learned how to write better, more effectively. My English teacher, Ms. Chan, even sat with me once to tell me that I was a good writer, but if I tweaked a few things here and there, I could be a better one. I must have learned a thing or two since later on, in college, I joined a literary competition and won a scholarship for a research internship in London. Sometimes, it only takes one person to teach you one thing so you can accomplish much more.

Nicole Magalong


Gilead has been to a variety of schools in the past. None of them met our standards of excellence we believe that a great school should uphold. We pulled our son out of all those schools and I was beginning to think that maybe there was something wrong with us! Then, we found Reedley, and now, I am absolutely certain that there is nothing wrong with us! I am overjoyed and very thankful to have found a school that not only fills my son’s heart with joy, but also gives me the assurance that there is such a thing as true, genuine, and attainable excellence in teaching, curriculum, administration, cooperation, and respect.

Mrs. Charity Joy Childs-Gevero


I think one of the things I like in this school is that they push students so that they can be the best. This school gives students a chance to explore and learn what they are actually good at, and when they find it they should continue to improve. Also, this school gives students second chances, everyone deserves a second chance and when students come here I believe they become better. They learn good things about themselves and going to Reedley is not only about the academics but also to find who you really are.

Caitlin Co


Reedley has helped my daughter become more attentive and responsible. She is now more organized and goal-oriented. The Authentic Assessment and Academic Consultation are great programs that make learning more meaningful and help build self-confidence.

Mr. Homer Co

Mr. Homer Co

Reedley has helped my child become confident, independent, and proud of who she is as a person. I have noted there is very little or no peer pressure in Reedley to go with the “norm.” In Reedley, every child is recognized, appreciated, respected, and even loved.

Mrs. Justine Imson


As a new student, my daughter Patricia Ysabel has adjusted quite remarkably in Reedley International School (RIS) coming from a big school.

Self-actualization is one of the core values of RIS. During the initial interview, Pat was told that the school strives to recognize each student's capacity for learning—in simple terms, “You may not be an Einstein, but you may be a Shakespeare.” My daughter was happy to know this. She felt that she will “bloom” in RIS. She was then very certain of her resolve to make that leap of faith and embrace change. I was glad that we both did.

During the 1st Quarter Academic Awards for this school year, Pat received gold and silver subject excellence awards. She is one of only four in the grade level to have received the most elusive Deportment Award. She is also a class officer.

The school system, class structure, and course outlines are clear-cut, organized and consistent. Teaching and learning methods are extensive and global in nature, creative and dynamic. Students are encouraged to be creative and dynamic. Students are encouraged to be CRITICAL THINKERS and PROBLEM SOLVERS with the open and free discussions in class, skills that are essential in life later on.

Someone from the family noted recently that Pat has this certain “sophistication” in the tone of her voice. I give the credit to RIS whose views on its ideal graduate run parallel to the very skills I profess to my daughter, to prepare her in MIND, HEART and SPIRIT. She has become more independent, confident, more outspoken and courageous. She is always early in school and doesn't like it when classes are suspended!

I have witnessed utmost professionalism in every single member of the RIS from top to bottom. For the teachers in RIS speak with authority but are not overbearing. They are very cordial to the students but draw respect from them as well. The school's administrators are always accommodating and they make it their business to know each child and his/her parents. Kindness is simmered down through the faculty, staff, receptionist, security officers and every person in RIS; more so imbibed in the students' lives as inscribed in its walls.

When my Patricia saw all the happy faces of the RIS students in the film clip during the Parent’s Orientation, I remember what she said to me when we got home, “Mom, I want to be happy like those kids in Reedley.” And for me, that is what counts for there is NOT A DAY that Pat isn't happy when she is in REEDLEY. Everyone in the family has never seen her this happy. Indeed, PAT has found her second home.

Mrs. Jenny M. Villegas

Mother of Patricia

Reedley was a deliberate choice of school for our “Smalls” (as we call the last three of our seven children). Our first sortie into the Reedley premises had us pleasantly ambushed by several students who offered their assistance. Already, genuine warmth was prevalent: we were not strangers, but friends whose names they just did not know yet. And that has been the story of most of those who have been charmed and disarmed by the Reedley experience.

Reedley was a deliberate choice of school for our “Smalls” (as we call the last three of our seven children). Our first sortie into the Reedley premises had us pleasantly ambushed by several students who offered their assistance. Already, genuine warmth was prevalent: we were not strangers, but friends whose names they just did not know yet. And that has been the story of most of those who have been charmed and disarmed by the Reedley experience.

Indelible in my mind is the fact that my son (Reedley Upper School 2008) and his friends consider visiting Reedley every chance they get. Reedley ‘withdrawal symptoms’ never seem to peter out. Besides, as my daughter so aptly contributed to the school song: Reedley is “…our home away from home…”

One afternoon, in a shopping mall, I heard a voice calling to me: “Reedley Mom, Reedley Mom!” They obviously did not know my name but they had recognized me as one of the parents in school. Right then and there, I knew that it was not just my children, but I, too, was a member of the Reedley Family. I have come to realize that Reedley and Reedley Moms (and Dads) make a formidable team. And when the time comes, what better way for our fledglings to be released to the air than by two pairs of loving hands.

Mrs. Angie Posadas


My son came from a big school. At first, he doesn't want the idea of coming to Reedley because he knew it was an international school. But after the taking the school tour and undergoing the admissions process, he eventually liked Reedley.

In academics, I observed that he became more conscious about his grades. I like Reedley’s small class size so that the teacher can easily reach out to his/her students and determine their weaknesses and strong points.

He also became more active in school! Not to mention he's more confident now. He told me once that he’d make himself shine this time. He was elected Secretary of his class! He joined Pas Classique, a dance club, and he told me that he will be one of the students that will perform in an event!

I became really proud of him when I got to talk with his teachers during the Parent Teacher Conference after the first quarter. Not only that he got awards, he also got a lot of good feedback from his teachers.

I am confident that Reedley will continue building a strong foundation for his future and for his character. I'm glad that I made the right decision in transferring him to Reedley and I am proud to be a Reesian parent!

Mrs. Araceli Kotake

Mother of Machi

Authentic Assessment allows room for improvement. If a child is good at writing, but needs help in speaking, then authentic assessment gives him the chance to better his skills. It is unlike other schools, wherein you take a test once, and that grade is your grade for life. In Reedley, you have the opportunity to make yourself better and learn more from your mistakes. I think it is in that essence that authentic assessment is really the mark of Reedley, since it is where true learning happens. Gone were the days when I used to cram, 5 minutes before a test, trying to absorb all of my classmate’s notes, just to take a test, and then forget everything it was that I learned from jamming that information in a short span of time. Now the things that I learned from Reedley stay with me, because as the cliché goes: “We learn better from our mistakes”. This is one thing that made me truly love this school, because it never gave up on any child’s potential, and it strives continuously to bring out the best in them.

Igo Trazo


As parents, we are convinced that Reedley would be able to offer our son a well-balanced education that would help mold him in a positive way.

Here are the reasons why we decided to enroll our son in Reedley:

1. The student to teacher ratio ensures that every student can be monitored effectively and provides the teacher a better perspective on the performance and behavior of each individual student.

2. You can genuinely see the dedication, commitment and professionalism of the teachers and staff

3. The school’s curriculum is well balanced and is always being evaluated to keep up with the global trends.

4. The school’s philosophy teaches students to respect others and makes them be the best that they can be.

5. Positive reinforcement to students is an approach being used.

We are convinced that enrolling our son in Reedley is a very wise decision. My wife and I noticed the positive changes; in fact, family and friends noticed a different “aura” when they saw my son during our last gathering. He is more confident and to quote my son, he feels "good about himself", and it really shows in the way he relates to people.

Truly, Reedley really exceeded our expectations.

Mr. and Mrs. Roxas

Mother of Miguel

I am thanking God every single day for blessing me with a profound change in my daughter Erica's outlook in schooling, friendships, and life in general. All these happened after she moved to REEDLEY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.

At Reedley, everyone shows a sincere concern for everyone. You truly feel part of one big Family. Everyone greets you with a cheerful greeting and a smile. They even know us by our names!

The school, in partnership with the parents, really helps the children bring out the best of their individual capabilities, not only academically, but in other aspects as well.

The students are challenged, because of the small class size, making them more studious and participative. Yet, they are not stressed and pressured, compared to the big schools. They have time to pursue other things, contributing further to the total growth of the individual.

Reedley indeed, has made true on its promise of self-actualization and self-discipline, in a nurturing environmen. Their personalized teaching experience has made our daughter bloom like never before.

During the Reading of Honors, My husband Eric and I noticed, that she is a picture of happiness and pride, her head held up high, confident that she is capable of handling more of life's tough challenges ahead.

I am truly at a loss for words to describe the happiness I feel in my heart. Moving my daughter to REEDLEY has definitely been the best decision we have made as parents. Thank you so much Reedley!! Keep up the excellent work!!

Mrs. Pepsi Honrado


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Founded in 1999, RIS is a private, non-sectarian, non-traditional, co-educational school in Pasig City, Metro Manila with the mission and vision of nurturing globally competent and kind students in a happy and caring environment.

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