Academic Curriculum

Our 14-year curriculum adopts the best approaches of three curricula—Singaporean, American, and Filipino.


Our Mathematics and Science courses are based on the Singaporean curriculum which uses mastery and inquiry as its framework.


Our English Language Arts course uses the Common Core Standards. Our Social Studies course follows the AERO Common Core Plus standards.


Our curriculum follows DepEd’s K to 12 Program—Kindergarten, 6 years of Primary Education, 4 years of Junior High School, and 2 years of Senior High School.

Reedley Kindergarten School (RKS)

WHERE LOVE FOR LEARNING BEGINS. The RKS uses a theme-based curriculum that is grounded on international standards, well-established early childhood educational philosophies, and a holistic multi-disciplinary approach.

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Basic Education Curriculum (BEC)

The MATHEMATICS course is based on Singaporean Mathematics Curriculum that improves the mastery of mathematical concepts by starting with the concrete, then moving through pictorial and finishing with the abstract.
The GRADE SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS uses the standard that focuses on the following strands—Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Conventions of Standard English through formative exposure to a wide variety of literary and informational resources in a rich and active learning environment. The Lower School 1 has begun transitioning to the Common Core standards. The GRADE SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS course uses the Common Core standards and focuses on an integrated approach to learning and using language effectively in all content areas and holistically builds proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS course uses standards for English Language Arts and is rooted in the four macro-skills of language—reading, writing, speaking and listening. The SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH course uses a communicative approach to help students prepare for college level English Courses. At the end of the course, students are expected to have enhanced their facility of the English language and proficiency in reading, writing and speaking.
The SCIENCE course is based on the Singaporean Science Curriculum. It uses inquiry as its framework, where the child is encouraged to be responsible for his own learning, the same way scientists pursue their work. The students are exposed to everyday situations that will mold them to be Reesians, in mind, who are critical thinkers and problem solvers. The course challenges the students to solve current scientific issues and contribute to society. The grade school Science course follows the standards set by the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore while the Junior High School Science Program follows the Cambridge “O” Level Standards.
The SOCIAL STUDIES course follows the AERO Common Core Plus standards for Social Studies. It is designed to address the standards of Time, Continuity & Change, Connections & Conflict, Geography, Culture, Society & Identity, Government, Production, Distribution & Consumption, and Science, Technology & Society.
The LIFE SKILLS course adopts the World Health Organization (WHO, 1997) definition of Life Skills: “Life Skills are living skills or abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.” The course aims to equip students with skills needed to overcome issues they encounter in their everyday life. The program centers on 3 areas: (1) spiral character education program, (2) age-appropriate campaigns including Anti-Bullying, Career Exploration and Substance abuse, and (3) Self-Management.
The PHYSICAL EDUCATION course uses the framework that ensures our students gain the proper motor skills and sport specific skills needed to live a healthy and active lifestyle. It uses the sport specific, skill building mastery framework to develop the whole child.
The MUSIC AND ARTS course of Reedley aims to develop Reesians who are artistically and musically creative and expressive of themselves through the education of Aesthetic Literacy and Art/Music Production, to be global reflections of cultural identity and appreciation. This will be achieved through Art and Music exposure to the canons and the understanding of social, historical and cultural contexts of the arts in a nurturing environment that invokes passion, promotes cultural tolerance and critical thinking.
The INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY course focuses on the procedures of using various software applications as tools that help students do word processing procedures, make visual presentation, data manipulation, photo, audio and video editing, and web developing to attain high proficiency in Information Technology.
The FILIPINO AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE curriculum is based on the Communication strand of Ohio Strands for Educational Achievement and the Mother Tongue standards for bringing to a second language. Focusing on communication, Filipino as a Foreign Language targets oral and written communication skills (interpersonal), comprehension of live, written or recorded texts (interpretive), and presentation of information and ideas on familiar topics to general audiences or readers (presentational). The course aims to develop the Reesian at heart who appreciates the different origins and cultures of people.
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Reedley International School’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program

Our AP Program offers high school students college-level courses to prepare for top universities worldwide. The program promotes academic rigor, critical thinking, and global opportunities, allowing students to earn college credit and excel in subjects of interest with dedicated teacher support for success.

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Reedley Junior College (REEDLEY) Program

THE BEST PROGRAM THAT PREPARES OUR STUDENTS FOR COLLEGE. For students in Grades 9 to 12, the REEDLEY program addresses difficulties in the fundamentals of academic subjects to achieve mastery and equips our students with effective study skills and habits.

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Senior High School Curriculum

Students in the ABM strand take Strand Specific Subjects that concentrate on preparing students to major in business and entrepreneurship.
Students in General Academic Strand take a survey of strand specific subjects that allows students more flexibility in choosing a university degree.
Students in the HUMSS strand take Strand Specific Subjects in writing, anthropology, and philosophy.
Students in the STEM strand take Strand Specific Subjects in the sciences, specifically in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics as well as higher Math such as Pre-Calculus and Calculus.
There are six special courses offered to select students in High School. None of these courses are included in the computation of the Grade Point Average, but students are eligible to Subject Excellence Certificates given at the end of the grading period.
  1. Advanced Placement (AP)
  2. The Foreign Language Program
  3. Filipino and Philippine History back subject
  4. The CAPSTONE Program
  5. Apprentice Week: SHS Work Immersion Program
  6. Reedley School Community Action Program (RSCAP)

Small Class Size

Our typical class sizes are kept relatively small so that our teachers can give each child the care and focus he or she needs and deserves.

The maximum number of students in each class are as follows:
  • Pre-K and Kindergarten: 14 to 20 students
  • Lower School (Grades 1 to 3): 16 to 23 students
  • Middle School (Grades 4 to 6): 22 to 25 students
  • Junior High School (Grades 7 to 10): 22 to 28 students
  • Senior High School (Grades 11 to 12): 22 to 28 students
    • Class sizes may increase to 32 for Core Subjects.
Academic Programs

We offer supplementary learning programs to students who may need further enrichment in fundamental subjects and skills.

Center for Individualized Academic Programs (CIAP)

CIAP is a specialized learning support program that is offered to students from Lower School 1 until Middle School 6. It follows the school's academic curriculum and is taught by specialized CIAP teachers.

Features of this program include smaller class size, Individualized Learning Plans which may include modifications and accommodations needed by the student, a different learning cycle to help each child master concepts better, and modules to address skills gaps and provide enrichment practice at home.

Students under this program are protected by the Reedley’s Code of Discipline and the Child Protection Policy to ensure zero tolerance for any act of child or peer abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying, and other forms of harm.

Late Students Program

Academic catch-up sessions for our students who come in 6 weeks after official classes have started. 

Students under this program are given the opportunity to attend after-school classes to discuss missed topics. The number of catch-up sessions is based on the number of weeks missed.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

An academic supplementary program that meets the communicative needs for cognitive learning of second language learners whose English proficiency level falls below grade level.

​Our teachers evaluate English skills among foreign students and may recommend this program if need be.

Our 3-period ESL sessions are spread over each week after regular classes and accommodates a maximum of 12 students. 

Personalized Guided Learning Program Learn More

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Learning + Nurturing—the Reedley way

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Founded in 1999, RIS is a private, non-sectarian, non-traditional, co-educational school in Pasig City, Metro Manila with the mission and vision of nurturing globally competent and kind students in a happy and caring environment.

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J. Cruz St., Barangay Ugong Pasig City, Metro Manila Philippines 1604

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