In this time of the “new normal” people are faced with quite drastic changes to the usual way that they do things. The pandemic has made several traditional methods unfeasible and this especially applies the current academic set-up. Since crowding in classrooms cannot be practiced, parents would benefit from knowledge of distance learning. Read on to learn more about how you can help your child smoothly transition to this new form of learning.
The home is where your children’s many comforts lie. When it comes to distance learning, this may also mean that your child is exposed to more distractions when they’re trying to learn. As such, the first thing you should is to find an appropriate area in your house where your child can be free from any distraction which may hamper their study.
Choose an area with a sturdy table where your child would be able to read, write, and review their lessons. A room with sufficient natural light is also a good idea as this is good for your child’s eyes. In the absence of a study room, the living room would also suffice – just make sure that there’s no television in this part of your house so that your child would be able to focus solely on their schoolwork.
Your child may be overwhelmed with adjusting to distance learning, considering the circumstances. Keeping in mind that it’s important to help them establish a routine and set their goals for the day.
For example, setting a reasonable time to wake up during the day is a good starting point in establishing a routine. Don’t choose a time which is too early or too late for your child.
In setting goals, on the other hand, don’t worry if your child is falling back in the beginning. Help them reach daily manageable expectations on their coursework. Even the smallest feat would seem like a major victory for both you and your child, especially during distance learning.
By communicating with your child’s teachers, you are being aware of any important things that your child might be experiencing.
Your child’s teachers would be able to relay to you if your child is doing well, or if they are having difficulty when it comes to adjusting to the new setup. Knowing this will help you make the necessary changes needed to assist your child.
Your child is undoubtedly facing a lot of pressure already from their distance learning schoolwork. Add to that, the unfolding crisis that the whole world is going through. Help them throughout this time by practicing positive reinforcement. The last thing they certainly need is more negativity from your end.
Simple words of encouragement and gentle reassurance can be enough to help your child cope with everything they’re dealing with. You should also make sure that you’ve created a safe space that will enable them to be more inclined to open up to you.
It can be difficult to know the basics of distance learning because you and your child are both trying to adjust around this time. Aside from helping your child feel more secure and relaxed despite the developments happening all around, you’d also want to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to help them catch up in school.
The simple tips above will hopefully serve as a guide to help your child easily manage distance learning for better outcomes.