If there is one thing we parents have to prepare for when raising our children, it’s that our lovely little tykes are eventually going to reach their teenage years. A tumultuous time (for many) characterized by sudden growth spurts, physical changes, and emotional agitation, for many, it serves as a bumpy transition into adulthood.
Contrary to popular belief though, it doesn’t always have to be that way. There are ways in which we can keep our kids in check, even if it may seem like a tall order. If you want to learn how you can do so, then check out our tips below:
Understanding how it works
The key to dealing with mood swings lies in understanding them first. There are an unlimited possible causes for every teen, though there are also common denominators parents can look into first.
Here are its most common culprits:
- Physical changes. One of the most pronounced changes teens have to go through is that of their body’s. The development of their reproductive organs, changes in their hormones, and having to deal with other things such as allergies, periods, and acne can cause them stress, which in turn can beget mood swings.
- Mental changes. Despite the brain’s ability to fully develop once one reaches the age of six, other adjustments still have to take place once one turns into a teen. When that time comes, the brain will gradually shred its excess grey matter off, getting rid of unnecessary information. It will continue to do so until it reaches the prefrontal cortex, also known as the part of the brain that’s in charge of judgment, planning, and self-control. Until it does so, you can expect your teen to be unable to control their emotions.
- Environmental changes. Naturally, your teen will start being more independent, which will lead them to gaining all kinds of experiences wherever they may be. Perhaps they will have their first real fight with their best friend, or they will realize the benefits of a proper education. Whatever they realize, these will, of course, have an emotional effect on them.
- Because your teen is less likely to let you look after him as much as you did when they were younger, they will have more free reign on how they take care of themselves. That said, make sure that they’re still able to cover the basics; they should eat balanced meals, get enough sleep, and take care of their hygiene.
How you can deal with it
Luckily, mood swings are easily managed. Here are some tips on how you can do so:
- Time your intervention. If you want to talk to your teen regarding something they’re having problems with, then don’t do it while they’re being ruled by their emotions. Instead, wait for them to calm down before doing so. This will open them up to reason.
- Let them sort it out. Sometimes, all your teen needs is a bit of space. That, and time to think about whatever it is that’s bothering them. You’d be surprised – oftentimes the problem can fix itself!
- Ask help from others. There will be times when you directly will be unable to solve your teen’s problems. Should this happen, then don’t hesitate to have someone else do it for you; not only will that allow your teen to form meaningful connections with others but it will also teach your teen that friendship can heal.
Should you find yourself having to deal with your teenager’s mood swings, do your best to remain patient and let time do its job. Only intervene when needed, and remember that it’s okay for them to make mistakes, as long as they learn from them.