
How to Prepare for Exam Season

Thursday, May 2, 2024
How to Prepare for Exam Season

How to prepare for exam season?

  1. Prepare thoroughly
  2. Take breaks while studying
  3. Eat healthy
  4. Get enough sleep
  5. Have a positive attitude
  6. Go over the test questions carefully
  7. Remember to breathe


  • Exam jitters are commonly triggered by the stress of taking exams and the fear of not achieving positive results.
  • You can control your emotions more by studying early, staying healthy, getting adequate rest, taking breaks, and maintaining a positive outlook. These steps will help you approach any test with confidence.

Feeling nervous before your final exams or a college entrance test is completely normal – many people share this experience. Research from the UCLA School Mental Health Project shows that test anxiety affects students of all ages, from kindergarten to college. This type of apprehension may interfere with daily life and affect students’ ability to perform well.

In this article, we will tackle some techniques on how to prepare for exam season that can help improve focus and boost self-confidence.

Prepare Thoroughly

Getting ready for an exam involves studying ahead of time and using helpful learning methods. Start your preparation early to steer clear of last-minute cramming. Feeling confident about what you’ve learned can ease any stress. Setting achievable goals, no matter if you have weeks, days, or just a few hours until the exam, can help you stay organized and focused.

Take Breaks While Studying

Take Breaks While Studying

Remember to take 5-10 minute breaks while studying. It’s crucial for giving your mind a breather, igniting creativity, and enhancing memory.

Studying continuously without breaks can lead to stress, affecting your overall well-being. During breaks, try relaxing like taking a quick shower, listening to music, whipping up a simple meal, or stretching your body. These quick breaks will positively impact your mood and sharpen your focus.

Eat Healthy

Don’t forget to eat a nutritious breakfast every day, but most especially before the test, to keep your energy up. Look for foods that provide a steady supply of nutrients instead of giving you a quick sugar rush that leads to a crash later. Your body relies on these nutrients to function properly, affecting both your emotional and physical well-being.

For example, foods high in fats or sugars might make you sluggish. By choosing fruits, vegetables, protein, and slow-release carbs, limiting caffeine, and staying hydrated with water, you’ll be better equipped to manage any stress or uneasiness.

Get Enough Sleep

The National Sleep Foundation notes the following sleeping time recommendations:

Newborns 0-11 months 14-17 hours of sleep
Toddlers 1-3 years old 11-14 hours of sleep
Children 3-13 years old 9-11 hours of sleep
Teenagers 13-17 years old 8-10 hours of sleep
Adults 17-64 years old 7-9 hours of sleep

Quality sleep is key for helping you remember what you’ve learned. Avoid cramming because pulling an all-nighter can make you even more nervous. So, be sure to get plenty of rest, especially in the days leading up to your exams. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Have a Positive Attitude

As you approach the exam season, keep in mind that your thoughts play a big role in shaping your mindset. Whenever negative thoughts like “I might fail” or “I can’t handle this” creep in, combat them with positive affirmations such as “I’ve got this” or “I’m prepared, I can do this.” Jot down these uplifting statements and place them around your study area to keep your spirits high. Believe in yourself and recognize the hard work you’ve put in to get ready for the exam.

Go Over the Test Questions Carefully

On the day of the exam, take your time to carefully read the directions and review all answer choices before making a decision or beginning an essay. It’s important to avoid rushing through questions and risking errors.
Slowing down can help you maintain focus and accuracy. If you find yourself feeling anxious, remember to stay calm and relax your mind. Trust in your abilities, and you’ll be able to navigate through the exam successfully.

Remember to Breathe

Whenever you’re feeling stressed or anxious while studying or taking exams, try incorporating some breathing exercises. Take a moment to close your eyes, and slowly inhale for a count of three, then exhale for a count of five. Repeat this process a few times. It’s a simple technique that can help relax both your body and mind, making it easier for you to concentrate.

Key Takeaway

Prepare your kids for exam season with these strategies.

Give your child the opportunity to shine both inside and outside the classroom. Consider Reedley International School, known as Manila’s top international school. Our unique approach fosters holistic development, nurturing students intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally. This prepares them for a successful future. Contact us today.


  • February 18, 2022

    Reedley International School, SAT Test Center 74946, is OPEN for the March 12, 2022 Test Administration. Please click here for more information.

  • September 7, 2021

    Reedley International School, SAT Test Center 74946, is CLOSED for the October 2, 2021 Test Administration. Please click here for more information.

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