
Little Known Ways to Help Your Children Harness Their Talents

Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Little Known Ways to Help Your Children Harness Their Talents

One of the main objectives of international schools in Manila is to help children grow in character, skill, and talent.To do so, students are exposed to different learning styles and various interactive classroom activities. Along the way, your children would eventually find certain activities that they would become interested in, and find out that they have a penchant for certain things like writing, sports, or music.

As a parent, you cannot help but be proud of them and their newly discovered talent. The next step, however, is to develop it and to assist them in honing and harnessing it. To support you in this endeavor, here are some things for you to consider:


Let them join peer groups

One of the most effective ways to help your children hone their talents is to let them join peer groups and meet people, who have the same interests as they do. For example, if they like playing football, you can let them join the school varsity team. If they are musically inclined, then allow them to take music lessons.

These peer groups would not only help them improve and develop their talents, but will also aid them to become more social and improve their communication skills.


Praise their efforts

Praising your children, when they’ve achieved a milestone or done something positive, is great. But it is important to remember that praising their efforts is much better than merely commending their abilities.

By doing so, you are encouraging them to work harder and take calculated risks, which is necessary to teach your children to not be afraid of challenges and learn from their mistakes. Eventually, this would help them not only become people of talent but also with great character and work ethic.


Take it slow when practicing

When it comes to practicing, it is quite normal for children to rush into things – thinking that it will get them faster to their goal. However, as their parent, you could remind them that these things do not necessarily work this way.

Teach them that honing their talents takes time. Talk to them that practicing slowly can aid them in learning the smaller and finer details. Also, it will help them refine their fundamentals and technique as well as fix minor errors to smoothen up their routines. Doing all these will ensure that they can improve and harness their talents even more.


Tell them to trust in their abilities more

There are scenarios, wherein your children would doubt themselves due to various hurdles along the way, but it is important to tell them that this is part of the growing process

Tell your children that one of the first steps in achieving something is believing that they can accomplish it. There may be times that their talents may come as unique or unorthodox, but it is important that you support them in their true passions, as that would not only make them happy, but also help them feel that what they are doing is something productive, impactful, and positive.


Try it out

One thing that can help you relate to your children’s interests and passions is to try it out for yourself. You can start out by asking them to teach you the skill or even just spending a few minutes with them as they practice. Not only will they appreciate your effort, but it will also encourage them to hone their skills even more. This could result in boosting their confidence because they know they have their family’s support.


Encourage mimicry

Another way you can help your children improve their talents is through mimicry. For example, you can show them how some of the world’s best athletes do their practices and techniques when they play.

As their parent, you could also teach them some tips and tricks – especially if you have a similar skill set. This could surprise and motivate them further. Even better, it could also lead to them to have a closer bond with you.


Key Takeaway

Discovering one’s talent is only the beginning. It takes hard work for one to become excellent at what they do. Having a talent at a young age gives your children a lot of room to develop and improve it. It is also the during this time that they would need you to encourage and support them wholeheartedly. Who knows? Your children might become the next great athletes, musicians, scientists, or doctors. Truly, the possibilities are endless when they have the motivation and the support from their parents.


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