
Preparing for High School: 7 Things Grade Schoolers Should Know

Saturday, April 29, 2023
Preparing for High School: 7 Things Grade Schoolers Should Know

What are some things grade schoolers preparing to go to high school should know?

  1. Orientation is important.
  2. Don’t procrastinate.
  3. Take notes, especially in class.
  4. Be considerate of others.
  5. Do not give in to peer pressure.
  6. Embrace change.
  7. Enjoy it.

Preparing for high school is both an academic and a social endeavor. Whether you’re adjusting to a new school or simply a new grade, you’re sure to come across several things that just aren’t the same as when you were in grade school or middle school.

At the same time, however, high school is something every adult has gone through, making them the right people to approach when looking for advice. Everyone’s high school experience is unique, but there are key things about this that stay the same through the years, and it’s those things that are the most important.

In this article, we discuss the things primary students should know before moving on to secondary schooling, or Grades 11 and 12. We’ve gathered this information to provide you with practical tips for navigating your high school years, and it’ll be a good idea to come back to this list once in a while so you don’t forget.

Orientation is Important

You might think orientation is something negligible, but it’s quite the opposite—in fact, it’s there for a reason. If you want to be prepared on your first day, attending the orientation session is a must.

During orientation, your school administrators and student leaders will inform you all about what to expect, what to do, and how to behave during your first week of high school and beyond. It’ll also make a good impression on your educators and classmates if you show up on time and pay attention.

Don’t Procrastinate

This tip will last you throughout your secondary years and beyond, long after you’ve graduated and left high school behind. Learning to manage your time, avoiding procrastinate and cramming are all skills that the average student needs to master if they truly want to succeed in the real world.

Since high school and college are like your precursors to the world outside, expect that any laziness you take with you from grade school won’t fly once you’ve reached these levels. Commit to persevering instead of procrastinating, and you’ll find that all kinds of studying and project-making will be so much easier for you.

Take Notes, Especially in Class

Don’t underestimate the power of writing things down and taking note of what your teacher says. Don’t expect your memory to be infallible—with all the stress, body changes, drama, and social challenges of high school, your studies will have to fight to remember and keep your focus.

Make it easier on yourself by taking notes, whether in class or outside of it. This will also keep you organized and help you avoid cramming.

Be Considerate of Others

You might notice that people have more sense of urgency in high school. Upperclassmen, in particular, who have many things on their plate will not take kindly to freshmen who walk slowly in hallways or crowd around lockers and public spaces.

This doesn’t mean that you need to constantly adjust to their needs and neglect your own. It just means that a little consideration for others goes a long way, and it will benefit you even more once you’re in the real world.

Don’t Give In to Peer Pressure

Whether or not the drama that you see on TV shows exists in real life, there will always be some sort of peer pressure in high school. But don’t let it dictate who you are and what you should do.

Over time, you’ll realize that giving in to bad peer pressure only leads to unwanted consequences. But we understand that it can be very overwhelming when you’re a freshman, and all you want is to fit in. Our tip is to find the crowd that’s good for you—the people who will help you become the best version of yourself—and soon enough, their suggestions or encouragements won’t even feel like pressure anymore.

Embrace Change

Understand that you are in a period of change. Your body is growing, you are moving up in years, and very soon you’ll be making big decisions like moving out, choosing a college, or making new friends.

That can sound daunting, but when you look back at this time after a few years, you’ll realize that it’s not so bad. Make every moment count by celebrating the good and learning from the bad, and make changes as they come!

Enjoy It

Most importantly, remember that high school isn’t here to make you feel insecure, lonely, or unimportant. Quite the opposite. In fact; high school is where you’ll make new friends, learn new things, and get ready for even better experiences in college and beyond.

Whether you’re looking forward to college or dreading it, remember that the best way to navigate life is to simply go with the flow. Enjoy it while it’s there, and before you know it, you’ll have a ton of new memories to look back on.

Key Takeaway

Preparing for high school doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. It can be fun as long as you follow these helpful tips. Best of all, know that you always have a support system made up of your parents, teachers, counselors, and friends to help you through every step of the way.

At Reedley International School, we value your experience as a high school freshman and want to see you succeed no matter what level you are. As the best international school in Manila, each student that walks through our doors is our pride and joy.

Be part of our flourishing student body! Contact us today for admission concerns or if you have any inquiries about our teachings, course offerings, or culture. We’re always happy to hear from you.


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