
Signs of Teenage Angst and How to Help Your Teen Overcome It

Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Son is playing on laptop. Father tries to talk to troubled teenager.

Being a teenager is possibly one of the most challenging phases in life. Aside from having to undergo different physical changes due to puberty, teenagers also have to undergo several hormonal changes which might affect their emotions, and in turn, how they interact with everyone around them.

Compounded with these changes is the teenage angst they may eventually develop. As a parent, knowing how to help your teen overcome their angst, and helping them deal with these changes may help them go through this season of their life in a healthier, and more fulfilling way.

If you feel like your teenager may be displaying signs of teen angst, and you want to learn how to help, continue reading to learn more.


Engaging in risky acts

A common theme among many coming-of-age films involves teenagers doing risky activities. It may be the case that these teens are engaging in these acts because they’re running away from something, or they are harboring unresolved feelings.

While not an immediate cause for alarm, one of the early signs that your child might be displaying angsty behavior is if they talk about, or start doing more and more risky acts. These may start small, but they may potentially endanger your teenager if left undealt with.

One effective way you can deal with this behavior if you spot it in your teenager is to calmly have a sit-down with him where he can freely communicate his emotions towards you. Allowing him to have a safe space to voice out his concerns and emotions may enable him to temper the desire to do risky things.


Disinterest in hobbies

Another possible sign of teen angst you may spot in your child is showing disinterest in the activities he used to enjoy doing. Because your teenager feels highly unmotivated, he may eventually find that there’s very little meaning in engaging in hobbies like playing video games, playing the guitar, or even simply reading a book.

As a parent, forcing your teen to engage in his hobbies once more, might just worsen the situation altogether. What you may do instead, is to invite him to do something spontaneous, like eating your favorite food together, for example. Another thing you could do is to find an activity that you can both do regularly.

Through these simple acts, you may eventually help your teenager reignite the fire he once had for his passions.



Another tell-tale sign of teen angst is moodiness. This is a common occurrence among teenagers, especially with the hormonal changes they’re experiencing. At one point, they seem like the happiest teenagers in the world. It’s not uncommon for them to suddenly lash out at something insignificant seemingly out of nowhere.

One way you can help temper their moodiness is by giving them some space to process their emotions. It’s very likely that they feel like they’re not in control of their anger, so helping them calm down, and teaching them ways they can manage these emotions will allow them to see that they have some measure of control about how they feel.


Distancing from family

Though it is far from a cry for help, when you find that your teen is constantly withdrawing from family gatherings, such as dinners, or family hangouts, you should help him deal with this as soon as possible.

While this may not always be the case, a possible reason why teens distance themselves is that they find the household environment unhealthy to the point of being toxic. They may begin to feel unhappy, and as a result, may show signs of withdrawal.

You can help your teenager by asking him some of the reasons why he may feel that way. By doing this, you may understand some of the behaviors you need to change as a parent. Be open to these and don’t immediately be defensive. Allowing him to healthily engage in constructive conversations with you will help them feel more at ease.


Key Takeaway

Navigating through teenage life is just as difficult for teenagers, as it is for you as a parent. You may worsen the situation if you approach the problem in a manner that further exasperates your teen.

Hopefully, the guide above has detailed some signs you should watch out for, as well as proper remedies on how to help your teen overcome their angst.


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