
Creating a Bully-Free Environment: How Reedley Transforms Students’ Lives

Thursday, October 12, 2023

How does Reedley create a bully-free environment?

  1. Reinforcing core values in students
  2. Guiding Students with the Help of their School Community
  3. Equipping students with essential skills
  4. Initiating good values through ‘The Kindness Zone’
  5. Maintaining manageable class sizes
  6. Providing personalized support and involving parents actively

Schools should be safe, supportive environments where children learn, grow, and thrive. Yet, it’s an unfortunate reality that bullying can exist within these spaces, creating fear and anxiety that can seriously impact a child’s well-being and ability to learn.

It’s essential that as children journey through school, they find themselves in a harmonious, understanding, and accepting atmosphere where they can truly flourish. This is how Reedley transforms students’ lives. We strive to create safe, inclusive spaces for students to flourish, firmly standing against bullying in all its forms. Here’s how we ensure it:

Reinforcing Core Values in Students

Reedley prioritizes the development of resilient and respectful students. Our students are encouraged to respect diversity, understand differences among them, and most importantly, refrain from instigating or promoting bullying.

This firm commitment is seen in our annual Anti-Bullying Campaigns. From day one, students are ingrained with these key concepts that form the foundation of their personal and interpersonal development.

These campaigns carry a clear, direct message—a resolute stand against bullying and harassment. More than just implementing a policy, the campaign encourages students towards action. During its inauguration, students pledged their commitment to maintaining a bully-free environment. The import of the pledge isn’t lost on them, with clear instructions and education on the subtleties of bullying, the critical function of empathy, and the need to support those experiencing bullying.

Guiding Students with the Help of their School Community

The institution’s anti-bullying policy isn’t limited to its students alone. It extends to its faculty and staff, who are trained to offer advice and support to students dealing with uncomfortable situations or confusion. The educators at Reedley envelop the students in a caring, responsible, and alert environment, providing psychological safety, and fostering the students’ emotional growth.

Testaments from alumni validate Reedley’s positive influence. Take, for instance, Victoria Em, a former student, who states,

“Reedley helped me define a standard of success, and that standard is Kindness… Reedley is different… teachers, counselors, and the faculty encouraged students to come to them if ever they needed advice or support…”.

This affirmation underscores Reedley’s thriving success in cultivating kind-hearted, open-minded students who step up as agents of positive change.

Equipping Students with Essential Skills

Equipping Students with Essential Skills

Reedley empowers students with essential survival skills such as conflict resolution and the “7 Habits” — a self-help technique that helps students tackle stressful circumstances, including bullying. These skills equip students with the ability to confront bullying, whether they are the victim, the bystander, or even the bully themselves.

We have dedicated blog posts that provide insights on how to identify signs if your child is getting bullied and guidelines on how to educate your child to effectively deal with bullies.

Initiating Good Values through ‘The Kindness Zone’

In order to ensure a lasting impact on the school’s anti-bullying message, Reedley introduced the Kindness Zone — a year-long activity encouraging consistent kind behavior. From spreading kindness to recognizing the unintentional harm they cause others, the students propagate empathy, consequently supporting a bully-free environment.

Maintaining Manageable Class Sizes

Another practical yet effective approach taken by Reedley in creating a bully-free environment lies in maintaining smaller class sizes. Numerous studies underscore smaller class sizes as a crucial factor in fostering more personalized and effective learning experiences.

This setup allows teachers to give every student focused care, attention, and instruction. It significantly reduces instances of intimidation and bullying, creating a safer, more inclusive learning environment.

More intimate class environments also encourage open communication, enhancing student-teacher interaction and making it easier for students to share any concerns or issues, including experiences with bullying.

Providing Personalized Support and Involving Parents Actively

Providing Personalized Support and Involving Parents Actively

The school evidently goes the extra mile through designs and monitors customized and holistic action plans for each student. These aim to address each child’s distinct academic and developmental needs, thus eradicating targets of bullying. Additionally, Reedley works closely with parents, recognizing their vital role and involvement in maintaining this safe and positive atmosphere.

Reedley International School sets a gold standard through these measures in creating a bully-free atmosphere that values understanding, respect, and empathy. It effectively demonstrates that “to educate a child is to turn walls into doors.”

Key Takeaway

Reedley International School goes beyond academics. It builds character and emotional intelligence among its students, enabling them to acknowledge diversity, empathize, stand up for their rights, and prevent bullying. Reedley’s model manifests an important narrative – that by fostering a culture of kindness, respect, and understanding, schools can indeed become a bully-free zone. This is how Reedley transforms its students’ lives.

Join hands with us to nurture a secure, respectful, and bully-free learning environment, paving the way for your child’s promising future. Contact us today to delve deeper into our exceptional curriculum at Reedley International School, one of the top international schools in Manila.


  • February 18, 2022

    Reedley International School, SAT Test Center 74946, is OPEN for the March 12, 2022 Test Administration. Please click here for more information.

  • September 7, 2021

    Reedley International School, SAT Test Center 74946, is CLOSED for the October 2, 2021 Test Administration. Please click here for more information.

Founded in 1999, RIS is a private, non-sectarian, non-traditional, co-educational school in Pasig City, Metro Manila with the mission and vision of nurturing globally competent and kind students in a happy and caring environment.

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