
4 Factors All Successful Kids Have in Common

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
4 Factors All Successful Kids Have in Common

Kids of all ages have the potential to become successful. No matter where they’ve studied – be it at an international school in Manila or otherwise – they can reach their goals if they engage in hard work and build their skills. But what exactly, would they need to reach even greater heights?

Looking at those who have already attained it may be the answer. All successful kids share some of these; find out what they are here:


They are socially competent

According to a study by Pennsylvania State University and Duke University, children who were socially competent in their early years were more likely to succeed as adults 2 decades later. However, those who were unable to display this skill were found to be more likely to engage in self-detrimental behavior such as committing crimes, engaging in alcoholism, and getting into financial issues.

The advantages of social competence don’t end at “success”, either. Children who were able to correspond with others clearly, thoughtfully, and effectively were also found to be more adept at exuding confidence, demonstrating leadership, and having higher competencies. Their mastery of communication at an early age also allowed them to create stronger relationships with their peers, seeing as they were able to actively engage in the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and feelings between them. In short, they were able to communicate well.

talking girl

What are the elements of good communication?

  • Having proper pronunciation
  • Having an extensive vocabulary
  • Having confidence to speak in front of others
  • Having a good grasp of their native tongue
  • Bilingualism


They have parents who hold high expectations

Children with parents who continually strive to better their children and hold them to higher expectations tend to perform better in general. This is reinforced by the psychological phenomena known as the Pygmalion effect, which states that one’s expectations of another often come true – almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. In doing so, children who are then able to meet their parents’ expectations feel a sense of accomplishment, further reinforcing the idea in them that being an achiever is a valuable trait.


They encounter less stress

According to the Journal of Marriage and Family, mothers who spent a lot of time with their children were more likely to raise successful kids. However, mothers should take care not to overdo it. A psychological phenomenon, known as emotional contagion, has the effect of making feelings infectious or contagious, spreading from one person to another without any trigger. Hence, mothers should ensure that they keep their emotions in check, especially when with their children.

effort and teamwork

They know the value of effort

Children who exerted effort into everything they did were also found to be more likely to succeed. However, effort was not everything. It was also found that their ability to grow from their experiences and learn from their mistakes were crucial traits that defined the successful ones from the “average” ones. This is where the concept of having a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset comes in.

Those with a fixed mindset believe that abilities are static, given, and would never change. They do not accept the concept of improvement and think . On the other hand, those with the growth mindset believe in themselves and their ability to grow. They also take challenges well, meaning that they view them as a good thing that could build character. This willingness to accept mistakes with humility and victories with grace is what will lead them to success.


Of course, all children and families are different in their own ways; hence these traits will rarely come naturally. Luckily, social competence and the value of effort can be taught, while exposure to stress and parents’ expectations are easily managed. So long as children and their parents together are able to practice these values, then they are sure to reach new heights given time.


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